Welcome to NFL betting season you degenerate gamblers. You have spent all winter looking for your fix going over every spread for the last few years looking forward to the day that the NFL season schedule came out. You do this so you could predict the spreads on the entire season and look at approximately which week you would need to break into the vacation fund and then closely followed by which week you would need to raid Juniors college fund and lastly and the most scary tell the wife and the kids that the Sheriff is on his way to the door.
Throughout the Football season I will give you my picks for each game along with a brief explanation of exactly why I believe this will happen. I will post them each Friday night to give you time to talk to your favorite bookie or friend in Vegas (if you trust him) to make your picks. Hopefully it will be entertaining for you at the least. Please don’t take my picks to heart and I will not be held responsible for possible divorces or breakups or repo men showing up at your door. As always gamble responsibly.
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