WWE WrestleMania V
April 2, 1989
Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino Convention Center
Atlantic City, New Jersey
For the 2nd year in a row WrestleMania takes place at this glorified bingo hall. According to the “History of WrestleMania” dvd there was some deal that Donald Trump had that Vince couldn’t pass up to hold it there for a 2nd year in a row. I always liked the atmosphere, but as with WrestleMania IV, it really made for a very apathetic crowd. The show was of course centered on the Mega Powers finally exploding in one of the biggest main events of all time. It’s another lengthy show with a ton of matches that may not be every fan’s cup of tea but I personally still find it very enjoyable.
Commentators: Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse “The Body” Ventura
King Haku w/ Bobby “The Brain” Heenan vs. Hercules
This match was really more pushing the Hercules-Heenan feud. Heenan tried to sell Hercules as a slave to Ted Dibiase after SummerSlam the previous year. This turned Herc baby face. He feuded with Dibiase, but for some reason they never really had a blow off match. This match was clipped up on the Coliseum video version, but didn’t really do the match justice. Hercules wins on a double pin spot. Good opener. **3/4
Twin Towers (Akeem and Big Bossman) w/ Slick vs. Rockers (Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty)
This would be the WrestleMania debut of the Big Bossman, and the Rockers (notably Shawn Michaels aka Mr. WrestleMania). This is big vs. little and it’s an action packed gem of a match. Loved the psychology of it throughout as the Rockers get the Towers to chase them around. The commentary here is terrific too as Monsoon and Ventura guide the viewing audience nicely. Shawn in particular was overselling like it was going out of style literally carrying the match himself. Towers get credit here too for actually selling a little bit for the Rockers making them look believable. This is one of the most underrated WrestleMania matches you’ll ever see. Towers win, when Akeem hits the splash on Shawn (which he sells like death). ***
“Million Dollar Man” Ted Dibiase w/ Virgil vs. Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake
This is a classic case of having nothing to do with two of your upper mid carders except throwing them together in a match. It’s another solid match on a show that is full of them. It has a lame double count out finish though as clearly they were trying to protect both guys. **3/4
Bushwhackers (Luke and Butch) vs. Fabulous Rougeaus (Jacque Rougeau and Raymond Rougeau) w/ “Mouth of the South” Jimmy Hart
They were going for a comedy match here, but it was a pretty poor attempt. They would do a better job at the Royal Rumble in 1990, but this one was pretty awful. Bushwhackers win fairly easily here with their battering ram double stomach buster combo. ¼*
Mr. Perfect vs. Blue Blazer
Blue Blazer is of course the late great Owen Hart in a mask. Perfect is in the middle of his big initial push where he was undefeated. In other words he had the perfect record. It was a great storyline that was… perfect for the character. This was a nice fit for Perfect as Owen is a tremendous worker, and it made for yet another solid match. It goes back and forth but ultimately the outcome wasn’t in doubt as Perfect hits his perfect plex for the 3 count. **3/4
WWE Tag Team Championship – 3 on 2 Handicap Match
Demolition (Ax and Smash) (champions) vs. Powers of Pain and Mr. Fuji
Fuji turned on Demolition and joined up with the Powers back at the Survivor Series and this would be the apex of the feud. This feud really fizzled off as the excitement of seeing the two teams square off wore off. This is just punch, kick, punch, kick etc. Pretty disappointing. Fuji seemed to be added to the match just to do the job, which he does and the Dems retain. *
Dino Bravo w/ Frenchy Martin vs. “Rugged” Ronnie Garvin
More filler here trying to get guys’ paydays. Bravo wins, Garvin gets to beat up Frenchy. I guess that makes everyone happy here. ¼*
Strike Force (Tito Santana and Rick Martel) vs. Brainbusters (Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard) w/ Bobby Heenan
This match did two things. Put the Brainbusters over strong as they would get the tag titles in a couple months, and more importantly break up Strike Force. Loved the break up, as Santana nailed Martel by accident with the flying jalapeƱo, and Martel gets pissed and leaves the lamb to be slaughtered. The Busters hit a beautiful spke piledriver and get the big win. This match was pretty much non-stop action and completed its two objectives. ***
Special Referee: Big John Studd
Andre the Giant w/ Bobby Heenan vs. Jake “The Snake” Roberts
This was the blow off to one of my favorite feuds ever. Andre was not in a good way so the match wasn’t a Flair-Steamboat classic or anything, but both guys did what they could given the limitations. Studd was there just to argue with Andre, while one feud ends and another begins as Ted Dibiase attacks Roberts and sets off a year long feud. Andre attacks Studd and gets disqualified. Certainly not a technical marvel or anything but it’s not horrible. Andre didn’t have much time left. *
Hart Foundation (Bret “The Hitman” Hart and Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart) vs. Honky Tonk Man and Greg “The Hammer” Valentine w/ Jimmy Hart
I’ve always wondered why the Harts didn’t face the Rougeaus here. Certainly would’ve been better than the Bushwhackers against the Rougeaus. I guess this match is good for consolation as it is a team managed by Jimmy Hart. This would be a fine tag team contest and another match that really needs to be seen to be appreciated. I love the little things like the heels trying a cheap tactic of hitting the illegal man (Neidhart) to draw him into the ring and distract the ref. The psychology is that the Harts are an experienced tag team (as opposed to Honky and Hammer who are largely singles wrestlers) so Neidhart doesn’t fall for it. The finish is nice too as Neidhart was chasing Jimmy who tried to leave the megaphone for Honky, but Neidhart doesn’t fall for that either and he gets the megaphone, tosses it to Bret and the Harts win. Cheap finish but the psychology needs to be appreciated. **3/4
WWE IC Championship
Ultimate Warrior (champion) vs. “Ravishing” Rick Rude w/ Bobby Heenan
These guys would go on to have better matches but this one was good to. I never really appreciated upon first viewings. Part of the problem there is that I’m quite certain this match is brutally clipped on the Coliseum Video version of the show, and doesn’t do it justice. I like that you get the feeling that Rude just won’t be denied in this match, and even though he needs help from Heenan to win, you can’t help but feel that Warrior just can’t beat Rude on this night, because the Warrior really kicks his ass early on. Good, solid, IC title match, as Rude wins the title. ***
Bad News Brown vs. “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan
At this point, the apathetic crowd is even deader as they just want to get to the main event. This match is pretty much as terrible as you would expect it to be and it ends in a double dq. DUD
Bobby “The Brain” Heenan vs. Red Rooster
Poor Terry Taylor. Gets stuck with the rooster gimmick. Arguably the worst gimmick ever. This would be his shining moment as he beats Heenan in less than a minute. DUD
Main Event
WWE Championship – Miss Elizabeth in a neutral corner
“Macho Man” Randy Savage (champion) vs. Hulk Hogan
*Rated #29 on my Top 50 WrestleMania Matches of all time*
“This is truly the meaning of Main event” – Jesse Ventura. He was absolutely correct. My favorite storyline ever culminates here. The match has an epic feel to it. Savage pulls out every dick heel tactic you can think of here. Turns into a classic Hogan-formula match. They would go onto have tons more matches both in WWE and more so in WCW, but they would never re-capture the magic. Hogan finally drops the leg for the big finish and re-captures the WWE title for a 2nd time. ****
Final Analysis: This card was pretty solid overall. Only a couple really horrible matches, but they were short. Even still though, it is very long, and with only one match topping **** it makes for some pretty tough viewing at times. Even still, I personally love the show, but these 80’s shows are not everyone’s cup of tea.
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