Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Media Bias?

Hello World,

for my first post on the blog I am going to go with current events however for anyone that is watching it really is not current events. The media is so incredibly slanted to the East Coast that it isn't even close and also isn't even funny. The first question you might ask is Matt why do I care this is a sports blog and the answer is this has everything to do with this.

The reason this comes up is the ridiculous coverage of the EARTHQUAKE in the East Coast here today. To begin with you would think the modern world is ending like the movie The Day After Tomorrow if you listened to the way the new covered today’s events. The president was more than likely moved to a confidential bunker where he sat down sipping margaritas while he got a briefing on the events in Libya and plans were in place to repopulate the world as a whole. Then we realized that the earthquake was a joke and nothing was wrong no one died and the world wasn’t going to come to an end

Enter my point on east coast biases in sports and you'll realize a direct parell. Let's go back a few years and think to the year where the Rays went to the World Series and you will truly get the point. ESPN which should be known as we fly a flag of the original 13 colonies played the world series less than preseason football highlights and major league soccer because there beloved Yankees or Sox weren’t involved than any time in history. Okay ESPN I get it, you have a lot of people that work there that would give their first born son to cover the Sox or the Yanks but common man try being a journalist for once and covering the entire league than someone who worships the ground that the cheater AROD walks on. The first story on every first page is something to do with Yanks and Sox even in the winter. I am getting sick of this. I get that a large contingency of America loves or hates them and ratings by nature go up (I graduated with a degree in marketing and it’s a marketers wet dream) but on a journalistic level you all suck.

Going forward what would I do if I was them; report the facts. The Yanks and the Sox are good but let’s be realistic there is other great stories out there. Even when it doesn’t come to baseball report the best teams even if they aren’t east coast teams. Report more stories about what teams in the Midwest and west are doing right for their communities and stop only focusing on east coast. Lastly stop freaking when little things happen to east coast teams. You don’t report when Jason Kubel or Joe Mauer goes on the DL so don’t report on Robinson Cano.

Overall the media needs to realize the Middle America doesn’t care about everything that happens on the east coast especially when this happens...

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